MoveOn (formerly known as ) is a public policy advocacy group and the progressive political action committee of America. Formed in 1998 in response to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton by the US House of Representatives, has raised millions of dollars for progressive candidates in the United States. It also runs the Petitions website similar to
Video MoveOn
MoveOn consists of two legal entities, organized under different sections of the US tax and election laws. Civic Action is a 501 (c) (4) non-profit company, and was previously called . It focuses on education and advocacy on national issues. Political Action is a federal political action committee, and was previously known as MoveOn PAC . This contributes to the campaign of many candidates across the country. MoveOn describes the legal structure of the Community Action that of a "nonprofit public nonprofit California corporation" and's Political Action which is "a non-profit profit-making company in California", and refers to the two companies collectively as "MoveOn".
Anna Galland is executive director of Civic Action and Ilya Sheyman is executive director of Political Action. The president of the MoveOn council is a former executive director, Justin Ruben. Co-founder Joan Blades is also on board. Previous board members include co-founders Wes Boyd, former executive director Eli Pariser, and former Chief Operating Officer Carrie Olson.
The structure also incorporates board groups across the country. The Council consists of at least 4 active members in the local area who are tasked with planning and conducting the event and fostering a sense of local identity. In addition, this board system is used to help transition from online presence to foot presence in communities across the United States and help build the organizing culture they push. now has more than 250 local councils and one in each state.
Maps MoveOn
MoveOn started in 1998 as an e-mail group,, created by software entrepreneur Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, founder of Berkeley Systems married. They began by passing out petitions asking Congress to "criticize President Clinton and continue" instead of opposing him. The petition, circulated by word of mouth, collected half a million signatures but did not preclude Congress from passing sentences to the President. The couple went on to start a similar campaign calling for weapons inspections rather than the invasion of Iraq, and the campaign's financial reforms.
Since 1998, MoveOn has raised millions of dollars for many Democratic candidates. In November 2007, the drive pioneered by MoveOn caused Facebook to change its controversial new "Beacon" program, which tells users Facebook about purchases by people on the friends list they.
Since the 2000 election cycle, PAC MoveOn has supported and supported the candidate's campaign, including the 2008 presidential nomination of Democrat Barack Obama.
In 2007, MoveOn was one of the founders of Avaaz, a similar organization with an international focus.
In 2016, MoveOn authorized US Senator Bernie Sanders to the President of the United States after an online election in which 340,665 members reportedly cast their votes. 78.6 percent of them support the junior senator from Vermont, while 14.6 percent and 0.9 percent are supported by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, respectively.
Communication method has been advertised in new and traditional media formats, with publicity strategies including billboards, bus signs, and bumper stickers.
MoveOn has collaborated with groups in organizing street demonstrations, roasting sales, house parties, and other opportunities.
Changes in federal election laws have had an impact on groups such as MoveOn. The Financial Reform Law The McCain-Feingold campaign, which came into effect in 2002, allowed political parties to garner a large sum of "hard-money" contributions, but banned unlimited soft currency donations to national political parties and prohibited federal officials from requesting " soft money ". "MoveOn, like many other political organizations seeking to influence the 2004 elections, was able to avoid this law using 527 groups, which became inactive in 2005 and closed in 2008.
In preparation for the midterm elections of 2006, MoveOn created a new system to ask for a voter named Call for Change. As part of Call for Change efforts, MoveOn reports that they place more than seven million phone calls to registered voters.
On May 16, 2011, debuted, a non-profit hosting service for the Internet petition, and in 2013, became the MoveOn Petition. The MoveOn Petitions campaign platform competes with other similar hosts like, Avaaz, and PetitionOnline.
2016 election action
Run Warren Run
In December 2014, started their campaign to get Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to run for 45th President of the United States.'s plan to get Warren to run for office included getting their huge support base to sign a petition that prompted Warren to run, spending about a million dollars on television commercials in Iowa and New Hampshire, the state that started the presidential nomination process, website called "Run Warren Run". When asked about the "Run Warren Run" campaign, Ilya Sheyman, executive director of, explained that the mindset behind the campaign was to show Senator Warren that there was a way for him to become president and that there was a grassroots energy amount in key countries who will support him if he chooses to do so. At the end of the campaign, got 365,000 signatures showing support for Warren and had planned, arranged and executed over 400 events. In the end, Warren does not run for president 2016.
Support for Bernie Sanders
After failing to get Senator Warren to run for president, chose to support Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) after 78% of his members voted in favor of Hillary Clinton or Martin O'Malley. Ilya Sheyman claims that Bernie Sanders's consistent determination in terms of standing with big money and corporate interests is completely in tune with his members.
Unite Against Hate
In response to Donald Trump's rhetoric during the 2016 presidential election, a group of more than 100 celebrities launched the "United Against Hate" campaign hosted by A large list of celebrities who support the campaign attracts media attention. Celebrities, from various industries, especially the film industry, include: Shonda Rhimes, Kerry Washington, Julianne Moore, Macklemore, and Neil Patrick Harris. The purpose of the campaign was to stop Trump, whom they viewed as "dangerous" and "divisive" leaders. Trump then won the 2016 Presidential Election.
Internationalization Model MoveOn
From the beginning, the model was able to combine clean activism with meaningful political activism. When develops its presence in politics into something that belongs today, the models and structures they develop become desirable to other organizations facing similar challenges. One person who helps in the internationalization of MoveOn Model is's former advocacy director, Ben Brandzel. In 2007 after leaving MoveOn to work on John Edwards's presidential campaign, Brandzel headed to Australia to help a young, internet-driven group called GetUp !. According to their website, GetUp! is "an independent movement to build progressive Australia and bring re-participation to [them] democracy." When Brandzel arrives in Australia to help GetUp !, he realizes that GetUp! facing similar opportunities and challenges for Brandzel then helps GetUp! apply structures and campaigns similar to and they can achieve results at a rate that he says "three times faster than MoveOn in the US" From this, he concludes that the success achieved by is not a coincidence, but rather a model that can applied to different scenarios and can help other organizations achieve similar results in terms of clean and political activity. The model helps shape and shape the organization's leadership GetUp! In online campaigns, communication within organizations, and their theories on how to create real political change.
Financial Contributor
Top contributors to during the 2004 election cycle include the investor George Soros who provided US $ 1.46 million to Voter Fund and Peter B. Lewis, chief executive of Progressive Corp., who provided US $ 500,000 to Voter Fund.
MoveOn was criticized by the Anti-Pollution League, among other things, when a member's proposed ad drawing parallels between President George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler was submitted to their online "Bush in 30 Seconds" online advertising contest. The ad is part of MoveOn-sponsored online contest during the 2004 presidential election in which members are invited to create and submit political advertisements that challenge President Bush and his government. The ad was quickly withdrawn from the website.
Fox News criticized the organization after it succeeded in pushing the 2008 Democratic presidential candidate to not attend two network-sponsored debates. Fox News adviser David Rhodes and network commentator Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly have also made allegations that "owns" the Democratic Party and George Soros owns
Google and MoveOn have been accused of selective compliance with trademark laws to remove ads from Google Adwords to Senator Maine Susan Collins, for reasons of violation of MoveOn trademarks.
On June 17, 2008, MoveOn emailed its members stating that it had produced "the most effective TV commercial we ever made". The ad describes a mother telling Republican senator and suspected candidate John McCain that she will not let her use her infant son, Alex, as a soldier in the war in Iraq. After the release of the ad, Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, "praised" MoveOn for "10 years makes even those who agree with you are horrified." New York Times newsstand Bill Kristol criticized the ad in an essay, including pointing out that "the United States has soldiers who are all volunteers, Alex will not be recruited, and his mother can" Ask him. She can decide when she's an adult if she wants to serve. "
David Petraeus advertises controversy
In 2007, MoveOn was criticized by 31 Republican senators and an independent senator to run print ads in The New York Times questioning the personal integrity of General David Petraeus, with headlines such as "General Petraeus or General Betraying Us? "and" Cooking Books for the White House ". On September 20, 2007, the Senate passed an amendment by John Cornyn of Texas from the Republican Party designed to "strongly condemn private attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus". All forty-nine Republican Senators, as well as twenty-two Democratic Senators, provided support. The House of Representatives passed the same resolution with 341-79 votes on September 26, 2007.
On September 20, 2007, The Washington Post stated: "The Democrats blame the group for giving reason enough for moderate Republicans to stay with Bush and give Bush and his supporters a way to distract from war. "
The New York Times public editor Clark Hoyt later stated in an opinion that MoveOn was mistakenly accused of less than US $ 77,000 for advertising rather than supposedly under Time policy, and MoveOn announced that they will pay The Price The New York Times. runs more ads using the theme of 'betrayal', with TV spots targeting former President Bush and former Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani posted a full-page ad on The New York Times on September 14, 2007. Giuliani requested and received a cost reduction similar to, paying US $ 65,000.
Anti-Trump Movement has become part of the anti-Trump movement. It has taken credit to help promote Donald Trump Chicago rally protests, and to pay for printing signs of protests and banners.
Further reading
- Books
- MoveOn. (2004). 50 MoveOn Ways to Love Your Country . Maui, Hawaii: Inner Ocean Pub. ISBN: 1-930722-29-X. Laura Dawn (ed.), ed. (2006). Needed Nation: How Foreigners Become Family in Hurricane Katrina . preface by Barack Obama, photo by C.B. Smith. Earth Aware. ISBN: 1-932771-86-7. CS1 maint: Additional text: editor list (link)
- Journal article
- Middleton, Joel A.; Green, Donald P. (March 2008). "Is a community-based voter mobilization campaign working even in battlefield countries? Evaluating the effectiveness of MoveOn's 2004 outreach campaign". Journal of Political Science Quarterly . Now Publishing Inc. 3 (1): 63-82. doi :. 10,1561/100,00007019
See also
- Coffee Party USA
- Tea Party Movement
External links
- Official website
- on
Source of the article : Wikipedia