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Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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BBC - Capital - Why we shouldn't try to replicate Silicon Valley
src: ichef.bbci.co.uk

Silicon Valley (abbreviated SV ) is a region in the southern San Francisco Bay Area, referring to the Santa Clara Valley, which serves as a global hub for high tech, venture capital, innovation , and social media. San Jose is the largest city in the Valley, the 3rd largest in California, and the 10th largest in the United States. Other major SV cities include Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Mountain View and Sunnyvale. The San Jose Metropolitan Region has the third highest GDP per capita in the world (after Zurich, Switzerland and Oslo, Norway), according to the Brookings Institution.

The word "silicon" originally refers to a large number of innovators and silicon chip manufacturers in the region, but this area is now home to many of the world's largest high-tech companies, including Fortune 1000's 39 business headquarters, and thousands of startup companies. Silicon Valley also accounts for one-third of all venture capital investment in the United States, which has helped it become a major center and startup ecosystem for high-tech innovation and scientific development. It was in the Valley that silicon-based integrated circuits, microprocessors, and microcomputers, among other key technologies, were developed. In 2013, the region employs about a quarter of a million information technology workers.

As more and more high-tech companies are established in San Jose and Santa Clara Valley, and then northward toward the other two Bay Area big cities, San Francisco and Oakland, "Silicon Valley" has two definitions: one geographical, referring to Santa Clara County, and that is metonymous, referring to all high-tech businesses in the Bay Area. This term is now commonly used as a synecdoche for high-tech American economic sectors. The name is also a global synonym for leading research and high-tech companies, and thus inspires similar named locations, as well as research parks and technology centers with comparable structures around the world.

Video Silicon Valley

Asal dari istilah

Perhaps the strongest thread that flows through the past and past Valley is the impetus to "play" with new technology, which, when supported by advanced engineering degrees and channeled by ingenious management, has done little to create the industrial power we see in the Valley today.

The first published use of Silicon Valley was credited to Don Hoefler, a local businessman friend Ralph Vaerst who suggested the sentence to him. Hoefler uses the phrase as the title of a series of articles in the weekly trade newspaper Electronic News . The series, titled "Silicon Valley in the USA", begins in the January 11, 1971 issue of paper. The term was used extensively in the early 1980s, at the time of introduction of IBM PCs and various hardware and software related to the consumer market. The silicon section refers to the high concentrations of companies involved in the manufacture of semiconductors (silicon is used to create the most commercial semiconductors) and the computer industry that is concentrated in the area. These companies slowly replaced the fruit orchards and fruits that gave the area its first nickname - "The Heart of the Heart".

Maps Silicon Valley

History (before 1970)

Silicon Valley was born through several intersecting support factors, including a skilled STEM research base housed in regional universities, abundant venture capital, and stable US Department of Defense spending. The Stanford University leadership is very important in the early development of the valley. Together, these elements form the basis of their growth and success.

Roots in telegraph technology, radio, commercial and military

On August 23, 1899, the first ship-to-ground wireless telegram message received in the US came from the San Francisco flash outside the Golden Gate, signaling the return of the American fleet from the Philippines after their victory in Spain-the American War. The ship is equipped with wireless telegraph transmitters by local newspapers, so they can prepare for the celebration of the return of American sailors. The local historian Clyde Arbuckle states in Clyde Arbuckle's History of San Jose that California first heard the telegraph key click on September 11, 1853. This marked the completion of a company started by some San Francisco Merchants' named Exchange Member George Sweeney and Theodore E. Baugh... "he said," In 1849, the man set up a wigwag telegraph station on a high hill overlooking Portsmouth Squares for signaling the ship that came... The operator at the station first picked up this signal with a telescope and delivered it to Merchant's Exchange for the waiting business community. "Arbuckle points to the historic significance of Merchant's Merchant Building (San Francisco) and Telegraph Hill, San Francisco when he goes on to say" The first station gave the Telegraph name to the hill where It is known as the Inner Station, the second, as the Outer Station, both of which use fashion their primitive communications to Master. Sweeney and Baugh connect the Overseas Station directly with the Exchange Merchants with an electric telegraph wire. "

According to Arbuckle (p 380-381), the Sweeney and Baugh lines are strictly an inter-city service, San Francisco; until the California State Telegraph Company was eligible on 3 May 1852; whereas, O.E. Allen and C. Burnham led the way to "build a line from San Francisco to Marysville through San Jose, Stockton, and Sacramento." Construction delay occurred until September 1853; but, "... San Jose became the first station on the line when the wire arrived here on October 15. The line was completed when [James] Gamble north of the crew met the same crew working south from Marysville on October 24."

The Bay Area has long been a prime location for US Naval research and technology. In 1909, Charles Herrold started the first radio station in the United States with a regularly scheduled program in San Jose. Later that year, Stanford University graduate, Cyril Elwell purchased a US patent for Poulsen arc radio transmission technology and founded Federal Telegraph Corporation (FTC) in Palo Alto. Over the next decade, the FTC created the world's first global radio communications system, and signed a contract with the Navy in 1912.

In 1933, the Sunnyvale Air Base, California, was commissioned by the United States Government to be used as a Naval Air Station (NAS) to deploy the USS Macon aircraft in Hangar One. The station was renamed NAS Moffett Field, and between 1933 and 1947, a US air balloon was stationed there. A number of technology companies have set up shop in the area around Moffett Field to serve the Navy. When the Navy gave up aircraft ambitions and moved most of the west coast operations to San Diego, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, NASA pioneer) took over part of Moffett Field for aeronautical research. Many of the original companies stayed, while new ones moved. The immediate area is filled with aerospace companies, such as Lockheed.

Radio Ham

The Bay Area is an early ham radio center with about 10% of operators in the United States. William Eitel, Jack McCullough, and Charles Litton, who jointly pioneered the manufacturing of vacuum tubes in the Bay Area, are enthusiasts with training in locally acquired technologies that participate in the development of shortwave radios by ham radio hobbyists. High frequency, and in particular, very high Frequency, VHF, transmission in a 10-meter band, requires a higher quality power tube than those manufactured by RCA consortium, Western Electric, General Electric, Westinghouse that controls the manufacture of vacuum tubes. Litton, founder of Litton Industries, pioneered manufacturing techniques that resulted in wartime contract awards for producing radar-emitting tubes to Eitel-McCullough, a San Bruno company, which produces electric tubes for amateur radio and aircraft radio equipment.

Welfare capitalism

The drive of union organizing in 1939-1940 at Eitel-McCullough by the powerful Bay Area labor movement was undermined by the adoption of welfare capitalism strategies that included pensions and other generous benefits, benefit sharing, and additions such as medical clinics and cafeterias. The atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration has been established. Success has been few and far between for organizing union drives by the EU and others in subsequent years.

AS. respond Sputnik

On 4 October 1957 the Soviet Union launched its first space satellite, Sputnik, which sparked fears that the Soviet Union pulled the technology forward. After President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act (NASA), he switched to Fairchild Semiconductor, then the only company in the world capable of making transistors. The President funded the Fairchild project, which was very successful.

Stanford University

Stanford University, its affiliates and graduates have played a leading role in the development of this field. Some examples include Lee De Forest's work with the invention of a pioneering vacuum tube called Audion and the Hewlett-Packard oscilloscope.

A strong sense of regional solidarity accompanied by the rise of Silicon Valley. From the 1890s, Stanford University leaders saw his mission as a service to the West and set up a suitable school. At the same time, the exploitation felt by the West in the hands of the interests of the eastern people encouraged similar efforts to build local self-sufficiency industries. Thus, regionalism helped align Stanford's interests with the interests of high-tech companies in the area during the first fifty years of Silicon Valley development.

During the 1940s and 1950s, Frederick Terman, as technical dean and rector of Stanford, encouraged lecturers and graduates to start their own companies. He is credited with maintaining Hewlett-Packard, Varian Associates, and other high-tech companies, to what will become the Silicon Valley growing around the Stanford campus. Terman is often called "the father of Silicon Valley".

In 1956, William Shockley, the creator of the transistor, moved from New Jersey to Mountain View, California, to start the Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory to stay closer to his sick mother in Palo Alto. Shockley's work has been the basis for many electronic developments for decades.

During 1955-85, solid state technology research and development at Stanford University followed three waves of industry innovation made possible by support from private companies, notably Bell Telephone Laboratories, Shockley Semiconductor, Fairchild Semiconductor, and Xerox PARC. In 1969, the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International), operates one of four original nodes consisting of ARPANET, a predecessor to the Internet.

Stanford Industrial Park

After World War II, the university was in great demand as students returned. To meet Stanford's growing demands for financial growth, and to provide local employment opportunities for graduate students, Frederick Terman proposed leasing of Stanford land for office use, named Stanford Industrial Park (later Stanford Research Park) in 1951 Limited leases for high-tech companies. His first tenant was Varian Associates, founded by Stanford alumni in the 1930s to build military radar components. However, Terman also found venture capital for civilian technology start-ups. One of the great success stories is Hewlett-Packard. Founded in the Packard garage by Stanford graduate William Hewlett and David Packard, Hewlett-Packard moved his office to Stanford Research Park shortly after 1953. In 1954, Stanford created the Honors Cooperative Program to enable permanent employees of the company to pursue a university degree on a graduate basis time. Initial companies signed a five-year agreement in which they would pay double the tuition fee for each student to cover costs. Hewlett-Packard has become the largest personal computer manufacturer in the world, and changed the home printing market when it released its first ink jet thermal drop-on-demand printer in 1984. Other early tenants included Eastman Kodak, General Electric, and Lockheed.

Silicon transistor

In 1953, William Shockley left Bell Labs in a dispute over the handling of the invention of the transistor. After returning to California Institute of Technology for a while, Shockley moved to Mountain View, California, in 1956, and founded Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory. Unlike many other researchers who use germanium as a semiconductor material, Shockley believes that silicon is a better material for making transistors. Shockley is intended to replace current transistors with the design of three new elements (currently known as Shockley diodes), but the design is much harder to build than the "simple" transistor. In 1957, Shockley decided to end research on silicon transistors. As a result of Shockley's ruthless management style, eight engineers left the company to form Fairchild Semiconductor; Shockley calls them "eight traitors". Two of the original employees of Fairchild Semiconductor, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, will continue to find Intel.

Computer network

On April 23, 1963, J.C.R. Licklider, the first director of the Information Processing Technique Office (IPTO) at The Pentagon's ARPA issued a memorandum of office addressed to Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic Computer Network. It rescheduled a meeting at Palo Alto about its vision of a computer network it imagined to be an open electronic device for all major media and information interactions that are important to governments, institutions, corporations and individuals. As the head of the IPTO from 1962 to 1964, "Licklider embarked on three of the most important developments in information technology: the creation of computer science departments at major universities, divisions, and networks." In the late 1960s, his promotion of the concept has inspired a primitive version of his vision called the ARPANET, which evolved into a network of networks in the 1970s that became the Internet.

Immigration reform

The Immigration and Citizenship Act of 1965 and other factors such as the mass exodus by Vietnamese boatmen resulted in significant immigration, especially by Asians, Latins and Portuguese, to Silicon Valley where they contributed both to labor high technology and production. The Asian-American population in Santa Clara County rose from 43,000 in 1970 to 430,000 in 2000. During the same period the Latino population grew to 24% in the area and 30% in San Jose. African-American populations in the county remained stable but grew slightly to about 5%. The expansion of the H-1B visa in 1990 also played a role.

We're living in the Golden Age of Indian entrepreneurship in ...
src: inventuscap.com

History (1971 and later)

Computer chip

In April 1974, Intel released Intel 8080, a "computer on chip", "the first truly usable microprocessor". The microprocessor combines the functions of a central computer processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC).

Homebrew Computer Club

The Homebrew Computer Club is an informal group of electronic enthusiasts and tech-minded fans who come together to trade parts, circuits, and information related to DIY construction of computing devices. It was started by Gordon French and Fred Moore who met at the Community Computer Center in Menlo Park. They are both interested in maintaining an open and regular forum so that people can work together to make computers more accessible to everyone.

The first meeting was held in March 1975 in the French garage in Menlo Park, San Mateo County, California; which on the occasion of the arrival of MITS Altair microcomputer, the first unit sent to the area for review by the People's Computer Company. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs praised the first meeting by inspiring them to design the Apple II computer and the original Apple II. As a result, my first Apple preview was given at Homebrew Computer Club. The next meeting was held in the auditorium at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.

Venture capital firm

In the early 1970s, there were many semiconductor companies in the area, computer companies using their devices, and programming and service companies serving both. Industrial space is plentiful and housing is still cheap. This growth was triggered by the emergence of the venture capital industry at Sand Hill Road, starting with Kleiner Perkins Caufield & amp; Byers and Sequoia Capital in 1972; the availability of venture capital exploded after Apple Computer's IPO worth $ 1.3 billion in December 1980.


In 1980, the Intelligent Journal - hobby journal - changed its name to InfoWorld, and, with offices in Palo Alto, began covering the emergence of a burgeoning microcomputer industry in the valley.


Although semiconductors are still a major component of the region's economy, Silicon Valley has become the most famous in recent years for innovation in software and Internet services. Silicon Valley significantly affects the operating systems of computers, software, and user interfaces.

Using money from NASA, the US Air Force, and ARPA, Doug Engelbart invented the mouse and hypertext collaboration tools based in the mid-1960s and 1970s while at the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International), first publicly demonstrated in 1968 in what is now known as The Mother of All Demos. The Engelbart Augmentation Research Center at SRI is also involved in launching ARPANET (predecessor to the Internet) and starting the Network Information Center (now InterNIC). Xerox employs some of Engelbart's best researchers beginning in the early 1970s. In turn, in the 1970s and 1980s, Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) played a significant role in object-oriented programming, graphical user interfaces (GUI), Ethernet, PostScript, and laser printers.

While Xerox is marketing the equipment using its technology, for most of its technology is growing elsewhere. The Xerox Diaspora discovery directly leads to 3Com and Adobe Systems, and indirectly to Cisco, Apple Computer, and Microsoft. Apple's Macintosh GUI is largely the result of Steve Jobs's visit to PARC and the recruitment of the next key personnel. Cisco's push comes from the need to route various protocols through the Stanford Ethernet campus.


Commercial use of the Internet became practical and grew slowly throughout the early 1990s.

In 1995, the commercial use of the Internet grew substantially and the initial wave of Internet startups, Amazon.com, eBay, and predecessors to Craigslist began operations.

Internet bubble

Silicon Valley is generally considered the center of the dot-com bubble, which began in the mid-1990s and collapsed after the NASDAQ stock market began to decline dramatically in April 2000. During the bubble era, real estate prices reached an unprecedented level.. For a short time, Sand Hill Road was home to the most expensive commercial real estate in the world, and a fast-growing economy caused severe traffic jams.

The beginning of the 21st century

After the dot-com crash, Silicon Valley continues to retain its status as one of the top research and development centers in the world. A 2006 story The Wall Street Journal found that 12 of the 20 most inventive cities in America are in California, and 10 of them are in Silicon Valley. San Jose led the list with 3,867 utility patents filed in 2005, and number two is Sunnyvale, in 1,881 utility patents. Silicon Valley is also home to a large number of "Unicorn" businesses, referring to startup companies whose valuations have exceeded $ 1 billion dollars.

Denmark names first ever digital ambassador for Silicon Valley ...
src: www.thelocal.dk



Silicon Valley has a social and business ethos that supports innovation and entrepreneurship. Attempts to create "Silicon Valley" in an environment where annoying innovations do not work well have a poor track record.

The San Francisco Bay Area has the largest concentration of high-tech companies in the United States, at 387,000 high-tech jobs, where Silicon Valley accounts for 225,300 high-tech jobs. Silicon Valley has the highest concentrations of high-tech workers from every metropolitan area, with 285.9 out of every 1,000 private sector workers. Silicon Valley has the highest average high-tech salary in the United States at $ 144,800. Most of the results from the high-tech sector, San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, Metropolitan Statistical Area CA has the largest billionaires and the largest millionaires in the United States per capita.

This region is the largest high-tech manufacturing center in the United States. The unemployment rate in the region was 9.4% in January 2009, up from 7.8% in the previous month. Silicon Valley receives 41% of all US venture investments in 2011, and 46% in 2012. Other traditional industries also recognize the potential for high-tech development, and some automakers have opened offices in Silicon Valley to harness entrepreneurial ecosystems.

The transistor industry is, or, is the core industry in Silicon Valley. The production workforce consists mainly of low-paid Asian and Latin immigrants and works in hazardous conditions because of the chemicals used in the manufacture of integrated circuits. Technical, engineering, design and administrative staff are largely well compensated.

Silicon Valley has severe housing shortages, caused by market imbalances between created work and housing units built: from 2010 to 2015, more work has been created than housing units built. (400,000 jobs, 60,000 housing units) This shortage has pushed house prices very high, far from the reach of the production workers. By 2016 two-bedroom apartments are rented for about $ 2,500 while the average house price is around $ 1 million. The Financial Post called Silicon Valley the most expensive US housing area. Homelessness is a problem with housing outside the reach of middle-income populations; there are fewer shelters than in San Jose which, by 2015, are trying to develop a refuge by renovating old hotels.

Leading company

Thousands of high-tech companies are based in Silicon Valley. Among them, the following 39 are in Fortune 1000:

Other important companies with head offices (or with significant presence) in Silicon Valley include (some dead or stagnant):

Silicon Valley is also home to Fry's Electronics high-tech superstore retail network.

Famous government facilities

  • Moffett Federal Airfield
  • NASA Ames Research Center (Located inside Moffett)
  • Onizuka Air Force Station (Closed 2010)
  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • VA Palo Alto Hospital

Silicon Valley Season 5 Opening Credits - DETAILS YOU MISSED ...
src: i.ytimg.com


Depending on what geographical area is included in the meaning of the term, Silicon Valley population is between 3.5 and 4 million. A 1999 study by AnnaLee Saxenian for the California Institute of Public Policy reported that one-third of Silicon Valley scientists and engineers are immigrants and nearly a quarter of Silicon Valley's high-tech companies since 1980 run by Chinese CEO (17 percent) or India (7 percent). There are layers of employees and compensated technical managers, including 10 thousand "single-digit millionaires." These revenues and assets will support the middle-class lifestyle in Silicon Valley.


In November 2006, University of California, Davis released a report analyzing business leadership by women within the country. The report shows that while 103 of the 400 largest public companies headquartered in California are located in Santa Clara County (at most of all districts), only 8.8% of Silicon Valley companies have female CEOs. This is the lowest percentage in the state. (San Francisco County has 19.2% and Marin County owns 18.5%.)

Silicon Valley technology leadership positions are occupied almost exclusively by men. It is also represented in the number of new companies established by women as well as the number of women start-ups who receive venture capital funds. Wadhwa says he believes that contributing factors are the lack of encouragement of parents to study science and engineering. He also cites the lack of female role models and notes that most well-known technology leaders - such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg - are men.

In 2014, Google technology firms, Yahoo !, Facebook, Apple, and others, released a company transparency report that offers detailed employee details. In May, Google said 17% of its technology employees worldwide were women, and, in the US, 1% of its tech workers were black and 2% were Hispanic. June 2014 brings reports from Yahoo! and Facebook. Yahoo! said that 15% of the technology work is held by women, 2% of its black tech employees and 4% Hispanic. Facebook reports that 15% of its technology workforce is female, and 3% are Hispanic and 1% are black. In August, Apple reported that 80% of its global technology staff is male and that, in the US, 54% of its tech jobs are managed by whites and 23% by Asians. Soon after, USA Today published an article about the lack of industrial technology diversity in Silicon Valley, showing that most were white or Asian, and men. "Blacks and Hispanics are mostly absent," he reports, "and women are under-represented in Silicon Valley - from giant corporations to new venture capital firms." Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson said about the increase in diversity in the technology industry, "This is the next step in the civil rights movement" while T.J. Rodgers opposed Jackson's statement.

As of October 2014, several high-profile Silicon Valley companies are actively working to prepare and recruit women. Bloomberg reported that Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft attended the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Women's Grace Hopper in a Computing conference to actively recruit and potentially employ female engineers and technology experts. In the same month, the second annual Summit was held to discuss increasing racial and gender diversity in technology. In April 2015, experienced women are involved in the creation of venture capital firms that take advantage of women's perspective in startup funding.

After UC Davis published the California Women's Business Leaders Study in November 2006, some readers of San Jose Mercury News dismissed the possibility that sexism contributed to making the highest leadership gap in Silicon Valley leadership. in the state. The January 2015 magazine edition of the Newsweek magazine featured articles detailing women's sexism and hate reports in Silicon Valley. The author of the article, Nina Burleigh, asked, "Where are all these offended when a woman like Heidi Roizen publishes the story of having a venture capitalist put his hand on his trousers under the table while the deal is being discussed?"

The board of directors of the Silicon Valley company comprises 15.7% of women compared with 20.9% in S & P 100.

Pao v. 2012 lawsuit v. Kleiner Perkins filed in San Francisco County Superior Court by Ellen Pao executive for gender discrimination against her employer, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. The case was heard in February 2015. On March 27, 2015, the jury decided to support Kleiner Perkins in all respects. Nevertheless, the case, which has extensive press coverage, resulted in a major advance in gender discrimination awareness on the part of venture capital firms and technology companies and their female employees. Two other cases have been filed against Facebook and Twitter.


Funding for public schools in high-end Silicon Valley communities such as Woodside, California are often supplemented by grants from private foundations established for that purpose and funded by local residents. Schools in disadvantaged demographics such as East Palo Alto, California must rely on state funding.

Silicon Valley Exists Thanks to Tax Cuts - Foundation for Economic ...
src: fee.org


The following Santa Clara County towns are traditionally considered to be in Silicon Valley (in alphabetical order):

The geographic boundaries of the Silicon Valley have changed over the years, traditionally the Silicon Valley known as Santa Clara County, south of San Mateo County and the southern Alameda region. However, over the years this geographic area has been expanded to include the San Francisco District, Contra Costa County, and northern parts of Alameda County and San Mateo County, this shift has occurred due to expansion in the local economy and the development of new technologies.

The Employment and Unemployment Census Program (QCEW) The US Department of Labor defines the Silicon Valley as a district of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz.

By 2015, MIT researchers have developed a new method of measuring which towns are home to startups with higher growth potential and this defines Silicon Valley to center around Menlo Park, Mountain View, Palo Alto and Sunnyvale towns.

Silicon Valley Season 1 Official Trailer (2014) | HBO - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Higher education

HBO's “Silicon Valley” Takes A Jab At Facebook's Russian Headache
src: images.fastcompany.net


The first internationally recognized art gallery in Silicon Valley, Pace Art and Technology Gallery in Menlo Park, opened on February 6, 2016.

In 1928, the Allied Art Alliance was formed in Menlo Park and is an artist studio complex, shops, restaurants, and gardens.


  • Burlingame Museum PEZ Memorabilia,
  • Computer History Museum,
  • San Jose Children's Discovery Museum,
  • CuriOdyssey,
  • De Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University,
  • Filoli Plantation,
  • Forbes Factory,
  • Hiller Aviation Museum,
  • Garage HP,
  • Intel Museum,
  • Iris & amp; B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University,
  • Japanese American Museum of San Jose,
  • Los Altos History Museum,
  • Moffett Field Historical Society Museum,
  • The American Heritage Museum,
  • Palo Alto Art Center,
  • Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo,
  • Portuguese History Museum,
  • Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum,
  • San Mateo County Historical Museum,
  • San Jose Museum of Art,
  • San Jose Museum of Quilts & amp; Textiles
  • Sunnyvale Heritage Park Museum,
  • Technology Innovation Museum,
  • Viet Museum,
  • Winchester Mystery House,

Performing arts

  • Opera San JosÃÆ'Â ©
  • San Jose Ballet
  • Symphony Silicon Valley
  • San Jose Center for the Performing Arts
  • Broadway San Jose
  • Jose Repertory Theater
  • San Jose Youth Symphony
  • San Jose Improv
  • SjDANCEco
  • Broadway by the Bay, Redwood City
  • TheaterWorks Theater Company, Palo Alto, and Mountain View


  • Apple Worldwide Developer Conference
  • Facebook F8
  • BayCon, Santa Clara
  • Christmas in the Park, downtown San Jose
  • Cinequest Film Festival, some places
  • FanimeCon, downtown San Jose
  • LiveStrong Challenge bike race, San Jose
  • Los Altos Art and Wine Festival, Los Altos
  • Mountain View Art and Wine Festival, Mountain View
  • Palo Alto Art Festival, Palo Alto
  • San Francisco International Asian Film Festival, downtown San Jose
  • San Jose Jazz Festival, downtown San Jose
  • Stanford Jazz Festival, Stanford University

A Brief History of Silicon Valley, the Region That Revolutionizes ...
src: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com


Local and national media include Silicon Valley and its companies. CNN, The Wall Street Journal , and Bloomberg News operates Silicon Valley bureaus from Palo Alto. Public broadcasters KQED (TV) and KQED-FM, as well as local Bay Area ABC station, KGO-TV, operate the bureau in San Jose. KNTV, NBC Bay Area's local affiliate "NBC Bay Area", is located in San Jose. Produced from this location is a nationally distributed "Tech Now" TV show as well as the CNBC Silicon Valley bureau. San Jose-based media serving Silicon Valley include the daily San Jose Mercury News and weekly Metro Silicon Valley . Special media include El Observador and San Jose/Silicon Valley Business Journal . Most major TV stations, newspapers and media in the Bay Area operate in San Francisco or Oakland. Patch.com operates various web portals, providing news, discussions, and local events for Silicon Valley residents. Mountain View has a public nonprofit station, KMVT-15. KMVT-15 shows include Silicon Valley Education News (EdNews) -Edward Tico Producer.

Cultural reference

Some appearances in the media, in order based on release date:

  • The Maltese Falcon - a 1941 movie starring Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor, he visited Sam Spade's office in Burlingame
  • A View to a Kill - James Bond Film 1985
  • Dangerous Minds - 1995 film about a retired U.S. Marine LouAnne Johnson, who took a teaching position at Carlmont High School in Belmont, California
  • Triumph of the Nerds: Awakening of Accidental Empires - 1996 documentary
  • Felicity - TV series from 1998 to 2002, Felicity Porter grew up in Palo Alto
  • Pirates of Silicon Valley - 1999 film
  • Sand and Fog House - The 2003 film, the obscure Bay Area beach location in the movie, was filmed in San Mateo County
  • Knight Rider - Movie made for television
  • 2008
  • haunting Winchester House - 2009 movie
  • Social Network - 2010 movie
  • Silicon Valley Starting - reality TV series, debuting 2012 in Bravo
  • Better - TV Series, debuting 2013 on Amazon Video
  • Jobs - 2013 movie
  • Movie Films - 2013 about working on Google
  • Silicon Valley - American sitcom 2014 from HBO
  • Watch Dog Video 2 - the 2016 video game developed by Ubisoft

Silicon Valley's Competitive Woes - The Registry
src: news.theregistrysf.com

See also

How America's two tech hubs are converging - Silicon Valley North
src: cdn.static-economist.com


Silicon Valley - Legatus
src: legatus.org

Further reading

Is Silicon Valley Still the Top Tech Hub? - Indeed Blog
src: blog.indeed.com

External links

  • Santa Clara County: California's Historical Silicon Valley - National Park Service Website
  • Silicon Valley - American Experience conference broadcast in 2013
  • Silicon Valley Cultures Project at Wayback Machine (archived December 20, 2007) from San Jose State University
  • Silicon Valley Historical Association
  • The Birth of Silicon Valley

Source of the article : Wikipedia
