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Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

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Chess has become most popular sport: â€
src: www.candssportscenter.com

Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, checkered chessboard with 64 squares arranged in a grid of 8 Ã- 8. This game is played by millions around the world. Each player starts with 16 pieces: one kings, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. Each of the six types of pieces moves differently, with the most powerful being the queen and the least powerful paws. The aim is to checkmate the opposing king by placing him under the inevitable threat of his capture. For this purpose, the player pieces are used to attack and capture the opponent's pieces, while supporting each other. In addition to the skakmat, the game can be won by voluntary resignation opponent, which usually happens when too many material missing or checklist appears inevitable. There are also some ways the game could end with the series.

Chess is believed to have originated in India sometime before the 7th century. This game comes from the chaturanga game of India, which is also the ancestor of the game strategy of Eastern xiangqi, janggi, and shogi. (A minority view holds that chess originated in China.) Chess reached Europe in the 9th century, due to the conquest of the Moors in Spain. These pieces assume their current strength in Spain at the end of the 15th century; rules are standardized in the 19th century.

The first recognized World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, won his title in 1886. Since 1948, the World Championship has been governed by the FÃÆ' Â © dation Internationale des ÃÆ' â € ° checs (FIDE), the international game game body. FIDE also awarded a lifelong master's degree to a skilled performer, the highest being a grandmaster. Many national chess organizations have their own degree system. FIDE also hosts the Women's World Championships, Junior World Championships, World Championships, Blitz Championships and the Fast World Championships, and Chess Olympics, a popular competition among international teams. FIDE is a member of the International Olympic Committee, which can be regarded as the recognition of chess as a sport. Some national sports bodies (eg Spain Consejo Superior de Deportes ) also recognize chess as sport. Chess is included in the 2006 Asian Games and 2010. There are also World Chess Correspondence Championships and the World Chess Computer Championship. Online chess has opened amateur and professional competitions for a wide and diverse group of players.

Since the second half of the 20th century, computers have been programmed to play chess with increased success, to the point where the strongest personal computers play at a higher level than the best human players. Since the 1990s, computer analysis has contributed significantly to chess theory, particularly in the endgame. IBM Deep Blue computer was the first machine to overcome World Chess Champion in a match when it defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997. The emergence of a powerful computer program (called "engine") that can run on handheld devices has led to increased worries about cheating during the tournament.

There are many chess variants that use different rules, pieces, or boards. One of them, Chess960 (originally called "Fischerandom"), has gained wide popularity as well as some FIDE recognition.

Video Chess


The chess rules are issued by FIDE ( FÃÆ' Â © dÃÆ' Â © ration Internationale des ÃÆ' â € ° checs ), the international governing body of chess, in its Handbook. Rules issued by national governing bodies, or by unaffiliated chess organizations, commercial publishers, etc., may be different. The FIDE rule was recently revised in 2017.


Chess is played on an eight-row square board (called ranking and is denoted by the numbers 1 to 8 ) and eight columns (called file and is denoted by the letter a to h ). Colors of 64 squares turns and are referred to as light and dark. The chessboard is placed with a light box at the far right of the rank closest to each player.

By convention, the game pieces are divided into white and black sets, and the players are referred to as White and Black respectively. Each player starts the game with 16 specified colors, consisting of one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces are set as shown on the diagram and photo, with each queen on the square its own color, the white queen on the light box and the black queen on the dark.


The player with the white part always moves first. After the first step, the player alternates one move per turn (except for casting, when two pieces are moved). Pieces are moved to empty boxes or occupied by opponent pieces, which are captured and removed from the game. With the only exception of en passant , all parts catch by moving to the square occupied by the opposing part. A player may not make any move that will make or leave the player's own king attacked. A player can not "pass"; at each turn a person must make legal steps (this is the basis for a ploy called zugzwang).

If a player to move has no legal action, the game ends; it is a skak mat (loss for players without legal steps) if the king is attacked, or a dead end if the king does not.

Each chess piece has its own way of moving. In the diagram, the dots mark the box where the piece can move if there is no intervening piece (s) of one of the colors.

  • The king moves a square in all directions. The king also has a special movement called castling which involves also moving the castle.
  • The castle can move a number of boxes along the ranks or files, but can not jump over other pieces. Along with the king, the castle was involved during the castle king's step.
  • The bishop can move a number of boxes diagonally, but can not jump over other parts.
  • The Queen combines the strength of the castle and the bishop and can move boxes along the rank, file, or diagonal, but can not jump over other pieces.
  • The knight moves to one of the closest boxes that are not on the same rank, file, or diagonal, so the movement forms "L" -Forms: two boxes vertically and one square horizontally, or two boxes horizontally and one square vertically. Knights are the only part that can jump over other pieces.
  • The pawn can move forward to an unoccupied empty box directly in front of it in the same file, or in the first step, it can forward two boxes along the same file, provided that the two boxes are empty (black dots in the diagram) ; or the pawn can capture the opposite section in the diagonal square in front of it in the adjacent file, by moving to the box (black "x" s). A pawn has two special movements: en passant capture and promotion.


After each match, every king is allowed to make special moves, known as castling . Castling consists of moving the king of two squares along the first rank towards a castle (which is ranked first player) and then placing the fort in the last square the king has just passed. Castling is allowed under the following conditions:

  • Neither the king nor the castle had moved before the game.
  • There can be no part between the king and the castle.
  • The king can not be checked, the king can not pass through the box that is attacked by enemy pieces, or move to the square where it will generate the check. Note that castling is allowed if the castle is attacked, or if the ramp cuts the attacked square.

En passant

When the pawn fuses two boxes from its original position and there is an opposing pawn on adjacent file next to its destination square, then the opponent's pawn can catch it en passant (passing), and move to the square the pawn passes. This can only be done in the next step, otherwise, the right to do so is lost. For example, in an animated diagram, a black pawn advances two squares from g7 to g5, and a white pawn on f5 can pick it up via en passant in g6 (but only in the next step White).


When the pawn progresses to the eighth position, as part of the move is promoted and must be exchanged for the choice of queen, castle, bishop, or knight of the same color. Typically, pawns are chosen to be promoted to queens, but in some cases other parts are selected; this is called underpromotion. In the animated diagram, the pawn in c7 can be advanced to the eighth rank and promoted to the permitted part. No restrictions are placed on the selected part of the promotion, so it is possible to have more pieces of the same type than at the beginning of the game (eg, two queens).


When a king is attacked directly by one or two opposing sections, it is said in tick . Response to a check is a legal action if it produces a position in which the king is no longer under direct attack (ie, not in check). This can involve catching the examination section; intervening a piece between the checking part and the king (which is only possible if the attacking part is a queen, a fortress, or a bishop and there is a square between it and the king); or move the king to a field where he is not attacked. Castling is not a permitted response for examination. The purpose of the game is to check your opponent; this happens when the opponent's king is in check, and there is no legal way to remove it from attack. It is illegal for a player to make moves that will place or leave the player's own cast during the examination.

In ordinary games, it's common to announce "checks" when placing the opposing king in checks, but this is not required by the rules of the game, and is usually not done in the tournament.

End of game


Games can be won in the following ways:

  • Checkmate : The player whose turn to move has been checked and has no legal steps to pass the check.
  • Resignation : One of the players can resign, recognize the game for the opponent. It is usually considered bad etiquette to play in a totally hopeless position, and for this reason high level games rarely end up with a checklist.
  • Winning on time : In a game with time control, the player wins if the opponent runs out of time, even if the opponent has a superior position, as long as the player still has the theoretical possibility to check the opponent.
  • Lost : A player who cheats, or violates a game rule, or violates the rules specified for a particular tournament may be canceled. In high-level tournaments, players have been defeated for things such as arriving late for the game (even within seconds), receiving calls or text on the phone, refusing to undergo drug tests, refusing to undergo electronic search body devices, and unsportsmanlike behavior such as refusing to shake the opponent's hand).


There are several ways a game can end with a series:

  • Drawing by agreement : Draws most often achieved by mutual agreement among players. The correct procedure is to verbally offer sweepstakes, move, and start an opponent's hour. Traditionally, players are allowed to approve draws at every point in the game, sometimes even without moving; in recent years efforts have been made to prevent a short withdrawal, for example by banning attractive offers before moving thirty.
  • Deadlock : Players who turn to move do not have legal steps and are not checked.
  • Repeat triple position : This happens most often when no party is able to avoid repeating movements without incurring losses. In this situation, either player can claim a draw; this requires players to keep a valid written record of the game so that claims can be verified by the referee if challenged. Three instances of positions need not occur in successive steps for claims to be valid. FIDE rules do not mention ongoing checks; this is just a certain type of image with triple repetition.
  • Fifty-step rule : If during the previous 50 steps no pawn has been moved and no catch has been made, either player can claim a draw. There are several known endgames where it is possible to force a spouse but require more than 50 movements before pawnshops or arrests are made; Examples include several endgames with two knights against a pawn and several pawnshop endgames such as queens against two bishops. Historically, FIDE has sometimes revised the 50-step rule to make exceptions for these endgames, but this has been revoked. Some correspondence chess organizations do not enforce the fifty-step rule.
  • Repetition five times : Similar to repetition rules threefold, but in this case no player needs to claim a sweepstakes; thus a tournament director can intervene and declare the game to be withdrawn. This is a relatively new addition (2014) to FIDE rules.
  • The rule of seventy-five steps : Similar to the fifty-step rule; However, if the last step in the order generates a checklist, this is preferred. As the rule of repetition is fivefold, this applies independently of claims by players, and allows the tournament director to intervene. This rule is also a new addition to FIDE rules.
  • Insufficient material : If there is no theoretical possibility to check opponents; for example, if a player has only a king and a knight left, and the opponent only has the remaining king, the skakmat is impossible and the game is withdrawn by this rule. On the other hand, if both players have a king and a remaining knight, chances are very much a theoretical possibility of a checklist, so this rule does not apply.
  • Drawing on time: In a time-control game, the game is withdrawn if the player runs out of time and the opponent has no theoretical possibility to skip the player.

Time control

Chess games can also be played with time control. If a player's time runs out before the game finishes, the game automatically disappears (provided the opponent has enough pieces to deliver the check). Play duration ranges from long (or "classic") games that can take up to seven hours (even longer if delays are allowed) for bullet chess (under 3 minutes per player for the entire game). Intermediate between this is a fast chess game, which lasts between 20 minutes and two hours per game, a popular time control in amateur weekend tournaments.

The time is controlled using a chess clock that has two screens, one for each player remaining time. Analogic chess clocks have been largely replaced by digital clocks, allowing time-control with increments.

Maps Chess

Notations for motion recording

Chess and position games are recorded using the notation system, the most common algebraic chess notation. The abbreviated (or short) algebra notation generally records in the format "the abbreviation of the transferred part - the file in which it moves - the rank where it moved". Pieces identified with their initials. In English, these are K (King), Q (Queen), R (Rook), B (Bishop), and N (Knight; N is used to avoid confusion with King). For example, Qg5 means "queen moves to g-file and ranks 5th" (ie, to g5 square). Chess literature published in other languages ​​can use different initials to show snippets, or algebraic notation (FAN) can be used to avoid language difficulties. To overcome ambiguity, another letter or number is added to indicate the file or rank from which the piece was moved, e.g. Ngf3 means "the knight of g-file moves to f3 square", and R1e2 means "the first rank bar moves to e2". The letter P for the pawn is not used, so e4 means "pawn moving to e4 square".

If the snippet creates a snap, "x" is inserted before the destination box. Thus Bxf3 means "bishop catches f3". When the pawn makes a catch, the file from which the pion set off is used as an initial substitute, and the rank can be removed if it is not ambiguous. For example, exd5 (pawn on the e-file capture snippet on d5) or exd (pawn on the e-file captures the section somewhere in the d-file). Particularly in Germany, some publications have used ":" instead of "x" to indicate arrests, but this is now rare. Some publications remove capture symbols altogether, so exd5 will be given only as "ed".

If the pawn moves to the last rank, reaches the promotion, the selected part is shown after moving, for example e1Q or e1 = Q . Castling is shown by special notation 0-0 for kingside castling and 0-0-0 for queenside castling. An en passant capture is sometimes marked with the notation "e.p." A move that puts the opposing king in check usually has the "" notation added. (The "" notation for double check is deemed out of date.) Checkmate can be marked with "#". At the end of the game, "1-0" means "White won", "0-1" means "Black won", and "Ã,½-½" shows a draw.

The movable chess can be annotated with punctuation and other symbols. As an example, "!" shows a nice move, "!!" good move, "?" error, "??" A mistake, "!?" an interesting move that may not be the best, or "?!" doubtful steps are not easily disputed.

For example, one variation of a simple trap known as a Scholar pair (see animation diagram) can be recorded:

1. e4 e5
2. Qh5?! Nc6
3. Bc4 Nf6 ??
4. Qxf7 # 1-0

Text-based Portable Game Notification (PGN), which is understood by chess software, is based on a brief English algebra notation.

Until about 1980, the majority of English chess publications used descriptive notation. In descriptive notation, files are named according to the section that ranks at the beginning of the game, and each box has two different names depending on whether it is from the White or Black point of view. For example, the square known as "e3" in algebraic notation is "K3" (King's 3rd) from White's point of view, and "K6" (King's 6th) from Black's point of view. When recording a capture, the captured part is named and not the captured square (except for resolving ambiguity). Thus, the Scholar pair is translated in descriptive notation:

1. P-K4 P-K4
2. Q-R5?! N-QB3
3. B-B4 N-B3 ??
4. QxBP # 1-0

Some players still prefer descriptive notation, but are no longer recognized by FIDE.

Another system is the ICCF numerical notation, recognized by the International Correspondence Chess Federation despite its declining use. Boxes are identified by numerical coordinates, eg a1 is "11" and h8 is "88". The moves are described by the "from" and "to" squares, and the captures are not shown. For example, 1.e4 opening step is given as 1.5254. Castling is illustrated by the king's steps alone, eg 5171 for White chestnut kingsida, 5838 for black-legged queen.

Chess | 1843
src: 1843magazine.static-economist.com

Strategy and tactics

Chess strategy consists of setting and achieving the advantages of long-term positions during the game - for example, where placing different pieces - while the tactics concentrate on direct maneuvers. The two parts of the chess game process can not be completely separated, since strategic goals are largely achieved through tactics, while tactical opportunities are based on previous play strategies. Chess games are usually divided into three phases: opening, usually the first 10 steps, when players move their pieces into useful positions for upcoming combat; then middlegame; and endure at the end of the game, when most of its parts disappear, the king usually takes a more active part in the fight, and the promotion of pledge is often decisive.

Basics of tactics

In chess, tactics generally concentrate on short-term actions - so the short-term can be calculated first by a human player or by a computer. Depth of calculation that may depend on the ability of players. In a quiet position with many possibilities on both sides, deep calculations are more difficult and may be impractical, while in "tactical" positions with a limited number of forced variations, powerful players can calculate long sequences of motion.

Tactical action one step or two simple steps - threats, exchange , and double attack - can be combined into a more complicated combination, a sequence of tactical maneuvers often forced from the point of view of one or both players. Theorists explain many basic tactical methods and typical maneuvers; for example, pins, forks, skewers, batteries, invented attacks (mainly found checks), zwischenzugs, deflection, bait, sacrifices, underminings, overloading, and interruptions.

Forced variations involving sacrifices and usually resulting in tangible benefits are called combinations. The brilliant combination - like the one in the Immortal Game - is considered beautiful and admired by chess lovers. Common types of chess exercises, aimed at developing player skills, show players the positions in which decisive combinations are available and challenge them to find them.

Strategy basics

Chess strategy is related to chess position evaluation and by setting goals and long-term plans for future play. During the evaluation, the player must consider many factors such as the value of pieces on the board, central control and centralization, pawn structure, king safety, and control of key boxes or group squares (eg, diagonals, open files, and dark or light boxes).

The most basic step in evaluating a position is to calculate the total value of both sides of the cut. The value of points used for this purpose is based on experience; usually a pawn is considered to be worth a point, knights and bishops about three points each, ranging around five points (the difference in value between a castle and a bishop or knight known as an exchange), and a queen about nine points. The king is more valuable than all the other parts combined, because the skakmatnya lose the game. But in practical terms, at the end of the game the king as part of the battle is generally stronger than a bishop or knight but less powerful than a fortress. These base values ​​are then modified by other factors such as cutting positions (eg advanced pairs are usually more valuable than the initial plot), interpart coordination (eg a pair of bishops usually coordinates better than bishops and knights), or position types (eg, knights generally better in closed position with many pawns while bishops stronger in < dfn id = ""> open position ).

Another important factor in chess position evaluation is the pawn structure (sometimes known as a skeleton pawn), or a pawn configuration on a chessboard. Since the pawn is the least moving piece of chess, the pawn structure is relatively static and greatly determines the strategic nature of the position. Weaknesses in pawn structures, such as isolated pits, doubled, or backward and hole , once created, often permanent. Therefore, care must be taken to avoid this weakness unless they are compensated by other valuable assets (for example, with the possibility of developing an attack).

Singularity Chess
src: 3.bp.blogspot.com



Chess opening is the initial movement group of a game ("opening movement"). The recognized series of opening steps are referred to as openings and have been named as Ruy Lopez or Sicilian Defense. They are catalysed in reference works such as Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings . There are dozens of different openings, vary widely in character from calm game position ( for example, Raffa Opening) becomes very aggressive (Gambit Latvia). In the opening few sentences, the exact sequence considered best for both sides has done more than 30 movements. Professional players spend years studying vacancies and continue to do so throughout their careers, as the opening theory continues to grow.

The fundamental strategic objectives of most openings are similar:

  • Development : This is a placement technique (especially bishops and knights) in a useful box where they will have an optimal impact on the game.
  • Central control : The center box control allows the chips to be moved to any part of the board relatively easily, and can also have cramps effect on the opponent.
  • King's Security : It's important to keep the king safe from possible harm. Rubbing with the right timing can often improve this.
  • Pawn Structure : Players try to avoid creating pawn licks like isolated, multiplied, or backward pawns, and mortgaging the island - and to force such weakness in the opposite position.

Most players and theorists assume that White, based on the first step, starts the game with a small profit. This initially gave White the initiative. Black usually tries to neutralize White's profits and reaches equality , or to develop dynamic counterplay in an unbalanced position.


Middlegame is part of the game that starts after opening. There is no clear line between the opening and middlegame, but usually the middlegame will start when most of the pieces have been developed. (Similarly, there is no clear transition from middlegame to endgame; see start of endgame.) Since the opening theory has ended, the player must draw up a plan based on the positioning feature, and at the same time take into account the tactical possibility of the position. Middlegame is the phase where most combinations occur. The combination is a series of tactical moves that are run to achieve some benefits. The combination of Middlegame is often associated with an attack against the opposing king. Some typical patterns have their own names; for example, a couple Boden Mate or Lasker-Bauer.

Special plans or strategic themes will often emerge from certain groups of openings that produce certain types of pawn structures. Examples are minority attack , which is an attack of pawn-pawn queenside against the opponent have more pawns in the queenside section. Therefore, the study of openings is related to the typical arrangement of the middlegames produced.

Another important strategic question in the middlegame is whether and how to reduce material and transition to endgame (ie simplify ). Small material gains in general can be turned into victories only in an endgame, and therefore stronger parties must choose the right way to reach the end. Not every material reduction is good for this purpose; for example, if one party keeps a bishop in power and the opponent has a square one, transformation into a bishop and an ending pawn usually benefits the weaker side, since a suffix with bishops of opposite colors is likely to be a draw , even with the advantages of pawns, or sometimes even with the advantages of two pawns.


The endgame (also end game) or ending is the stage of the game when there are some parts left on the board. There are three major strategic differences between the early stages of the game and the final game:

  1. Pion becomes more important. Endgames often revolve around attempts to promote the pawn by advancing it to the farthest rank .
  2. The king, who needs security from the checkbox in the middle game, appears as a strong part at the end of the game. It is often brought to the center of the board where it can protect its own pawn, attack enemy pawn, and inhibit the movement of the opposing king.
  3. Zugzwang, unfavorable for forcing players to move, is often a factor in the final game but is rarely at any other stage of the game. In the example diagram, one of the sides that has that step in zugzwang: Black to move must play 1... Kb7 allows White to promote the pawn after 2.Kd7; White to move must allow a draw, either with a 1.kc6 dead end or by losing the pawn after another legal action.

Endgames can be classified according to the type of pieces left on the board. The basic level is a position where one side has only a king and the other has one or two parts and can deploy the opposing king, with pieces that work together with their king. For example, king and pawn endgames involve only kings and pawns on one or both sides, and the task of a stronger party is to promote one of the pawns. The other more complicated ends are classified according to pieces on the board other than the king, such as "castle and cork versus castle" endgames.

Square Off created a buzz with its spooky self-moving chess, but ...
src: i0.wp.com



Chess is believed to have originated in Eastern India, c. 280-550, in the Gupta Empire, where its initial form in the 6th century was known as chatura? Ga (Sanskrit: ??????? ), literally four divisions [military] - infantry, cavalry, elephants, and horse-drawn carriages, represented by pieces that will evolve into modern pawns, knights, bishops, and fortresses, respectively. From there it spreads east and west along the Silk Road. The earliest evidence of chess was found around the Persian Sassanid around 600, where the game was known as chatrang . Chatrang was taken by the Muslim world after the conquest of Persian Islam (633-44), where it was later named shatranj , with pieces that largely retained their Persian name. In Spanish "shatranj" is translated into ajedrez ("al-shatranj"), in Portuguese as xadrez , and in Greek as ???????? ? ( zatrikion , coming directly from Persia chatrang ), but throughout Europe it was replaced by the Persian version sh? h (the "king"), who is familiar as an appeal and becomes the English words "check" and "chess".

The oldest archaeological chess artifacts, ivory pieces, are dug in ancient Afrasiab, present-day Samarkand, in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, and dated about 760, with some of which may be older. The oldest known chess book is in Arabic and dated 840-850, written by al-Adli ar-Rumi (800-870), a famous Arabic chess player, titled Kitab ash-shatranj (Book chess). This is a lost manuscript, but is referenced in later works. East chess migration, to China and Southeast Asia, has less documentation than western migration. The first reference to chess, called Xiang Qi , in Chinese comes in xuÃÆ'¡n caveÃÆ'Â ¬ lÃÆ'¹ (???, records of mysterious and strange dating) to about 800 Alternatively, some argue that chess emerges from Chinese chess or one of its predecessors, although this has been contested.

The game reached Western Europe and Russia by at least three routes, the earliest being in the 9th century. In the year 1000, it has spread throughout Europe. Introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by the Moorish in the 10th century, it is depicted in a famous 13th century manuscript that includes shatranj, backgammon and dice called Libib de los juegos. 1200-1700: _Origins_of_the_modern_game "> 1200-1700: Origins of the modern game

Around 1200, shatranj rules began to be modified in southern Europe, and around 1475, some major changes made this game basically as it is known today. Modern rules for this basic movement have been adopted in Italy and Spain. Pion gets the option to advance two boxes in their first step, while the bishops and queens gain their modern abilities. The queen replaced the chess beforehand toward the end of the 10th century and in the fifteenth century had become the most powerful part; consequently modern chess is referred to as "Queen's Chess" or "Mad Queen Chess". Castling, which comes from the "leap of the king" usually in combination with a pawn or castle step to bring the king to a safe place, was introduced. This new rule quickly spread throughout Western Europe. The rules of impasse were settled in the early nineteenth century. Also in the 19th century, the convention that White first moved was established (previously either White or Black could move first). Finally the rules about castling are standard - variations in castling rules have been taking place in Italy until the end of the 19th century. The resulting standard game is sometimes referred to as Western chess or international chess , especially in Asia where other games from chess families like xiangqi are prevalent. Since the 19th century, the only technical rule change, for example establishing the correct procedure for claiming the draw with repetition.

Writings on the theory of how to play chess began to appear in the 15th century. The RepetisÃÆ'¡n de Amores y Arte de Ajedrez (Repetition of Love and the Art of Playing Chess ) by the Spanish churchman Luis Ramirez de Lucena was published in Salamanca in 1497. Lucena and then the master like Portuguese Pedro Damiano, Italian Giovanni Leonardo Di Bona, Giulio Cesare Polerio and Gioachino Greco, and Spanish Bishop Ruy LÃÆ'³pez de Segura developed the opening elements and began analyzing simple endgames.

1700-1873: Romantic Era in Chess

The romantic era is characterized by opening steps (sacrificing pawns or even pieces), bold attacks, and brave sacrifices. Many intricate and beautiful but unhealthy sequences of motion called "combinations" were played by the rulers of the time. The game is more playable for art than theory. The deep conviction that chess rewards is in the genius of a player rather than sticking to a position on the chessboard that surrounds the practice.

In the 18th century, the center of European chess life moved from the countries of Southern Europe to France. The two most important French masters are FranÃÆ'§ois-Andrà ©  © Danican Philidor, a musician with professions, who discovered the importance of a pawn for a chess strategy, and then Louis-Charles MahÃÆ' © de La Bourdonnais, who won a series of famous matches with Irish masters Alexander McDonnell in 1834. The center of chess activity in this period was coffee shops in major European cities such as Cafà © à © de la RÃÆ' © gence in Paris and Simpson's Divan > in London.

As the 19th century evolved, the chess organization developed rapidly. Many chess clubs, chess books, and chess journals appear. There is correspondence between city matches; for example, the London Chess Club played against the Edinburgh Chess Club in 1824. The chess problem became a regular part of 19th century newspapers; Bernhard Horwitz, Josef Kling, and Samuel Loyd compose some of the most influential problems. In 1843, von der Lasa published his book and Bilguer Handbuch des Schachspiels ( Chess Manual ), the first comprehensive chess manual.

Chess is sometimes criticized in the 19th century as a waste of time.

The first modern chess tournament was hosted by Howard Staunton, the leading English chess player, and held in London in 1851. Won by German Adolf Anderssen, who was hailed as a prominent chess master. His brilliant and energetic attacking style was typical for the moment. Sparkling games such as Game Immortal Anderssen and Evergreen Game or "Opera Game" Morphy are considered the highest peak of chess art.

A deep insight into the nature of chess comes with two young players. American Paul Morphy, a great hero, won against all the important rivals (except Howard Staunton, who refused to play), including Anderssen, during his short chess career between 1857 and 1863. Morphy's success stems from a combination of brilliant attacks and good strategies. ; he intuitively knows how to prepare for an attack.

1873-1945: Birth of sport

Wilhelm Steinitz, born in Prague beginning in 1873, explains how to avoid weaknesses in his own position and how to create and exploit such weaknesses in opposing positions. Schin's scientific approach and position understanding revolutionized the game. Steinitz was the first to break the position into its components. Prior to Steinitz, players took their queens earlier, not fully develop of their other works , and conduct a quick attack against the opposing king, who succeeds or fails. The level of defense is bad and the players do not form a deep plan. In addition to his theoretical achievements, Steinitz established an important tradition: his glory over the eminent German leader Johannes Zukertort in 1886 was considered the first official World Chess Championship. Steinitz lost his crown in 1894 to a much younger player, German mathematician Emanuel Lasker, who retained this title for 27 years, the longest term of all World Champions.

After the end of the 19th century, the number of tournaments and master games held each year quickly increased. Some sources claim that in 1914 the first Grandmaster chess title was officially given by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia to Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Tarrasch, and Marshall, but this is a disputed claim. The tradition of awarding the title was continued by the World Chess Federation (FIDE), founded in 1924 in Paris. In 1927, the Women's World Chess Championship was established; the first to hold the title is the Czech-English master Vera Menchik.

It took a miracle from Cuba, JosÃÆ'Â Â © RaÃÆ'ºl Capablanca (World Champion 1921-1927), who liked simple positions and endgames, to end German dominance in chess; he was unbeaten in the tournament for eight years, until 1924. His successor was Alexander Alekhine of Russia-France, a powerful attacking player who died as world champion in 1946. He briefly lost the title to Dutchman Max Euwe in 1935 and got it back. two years later.

Among world wars, chess was overhauled by a new theoretical school called hyper-modernist like Aron Nimzowitsch and Richard RÃÆ'Ã… © ti. They advocate controlling the center of the board with pieces far from the pawns, thus inviting the opponent to occupy the center with a pawn, which becomes the object of attack.

1945-present: Post-World War II Era

After Alekhine's death, the new World Champion was sought. FIDE, who has mastered the title since then (except for one annoyance), runs an elite player tournament. The winner of the 1948 tournament, Russian Mikhail Botvinnik, started the era of Soviet domination in the chess world. Until the end of the Soviet Union, there was only one non-Soviet champion, American Bobby Fischer (1972-1975 champion). Botvinnik revolutionized the opening theory. Previously Black fought for equality, to neutralize White's first step advantage. As Black, Botvinnik strives for initiative from the start. In the previous World Championship informal system, the current champion decides which challenger he will play for the title and the challenger is forced to seek sponsors for the match. FIDE organizes a new system of tournaments and qualified matches. The strongest player in the world is sowing at the Interzonal tournament, where they join the players who have escaped the Zonal tournament. The leading finalists at Interzonals will go to the stage of "Candidates", which initially is a tournament, and then a series of knockout matches. The Candidate Winner will then play the defending champion for the title. A losing champion in the game has the right to play a rematch a year later. The system operated on a three-year cycle. Botvinnik participates in championship competitions over a period of fifteen years. He won the world championship tournament in 1948 and defended the title in a match tied in 1951 and 1954. In 1957, he lost to Vasily Smyslov, but reclaimed the title in a rematch in 1958. In 1960, he lost the title to 23 Latvian child of the year, Mikhail Tal, a skilled tactician and attacking player. Botvinnik returned to the title in a rematch in 1961.

After the 1961 event, FIDE abolished the automatic rights of a losing champion for a rematch, and the next champion, Armenian Tigran Petrosian, a player famous for his defensive skills and position, held the title for two cycles, 1963-1969. His successor, Boris Spassky of Russia (champion 1969-1972), won the game in a positional and sharp tactical style. The next championship, called Match of the Century, sees the first non-Soviet challenger since World War II, American player Bobby Fischer, who defeated his candidate opponents with an unexpected defeat and clearly won the world championship. In 1975, however, Fischer refused to defend his title against Soviet Anatoly Karpov when FIDE did not meet his demands, and Karpov earned the title by default. Fischer modernized many aspects of chess, especially by preparing for openings extensively.

Karpov defended his title twice against Viktor Korchnoi and dominated the 1970s and early 1980s with a series of tournament successes. The Karpov government finally ended in 1985 in the hands of Garry Kasparov, another Soviet player from Baku, Azerbaijan. Kasparov and Karpov fought five world titles between 1984 and 1990; Karpov never won his title again. In 1993, Garry Kasparov and Nigel Short decided to join FIDE to organize their own matches for the title and form a Competitive Professional Chess Association (PCA). From then until 2006, there are two World Champion and World Championships simultaneously: the PCA or Classics champion extends the Steinitzian tradition in which the champion currently plays challengers in a series of games, and others follow the new FIDE format from many competing players. in tournaments to determine champions. Kasparov lost his Classic title in 2000 to Vladimir Kramnik of Russia. The 2006 World Chess Championship, in which Kramnik defeated FIDE World Champion Veselin Topalov, reunited the title and made the undisputed World Chess Kramnik. In September 2007, he lost his title to Viswanathan Anand of India, who won the championship tournament in Mexico City. Anand defended his title in revenge matches in 2008, 2010 and 2012. In 2013, Magnus Carlsen defeated Anand at the World Chess Championship in 2013. He defended his title the following year, again against Anand, and was the reigning world champion.

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src: media.houseofstaunton.com

Place in culture


In the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance, chess was part of a noble culture; it was used to teach war strategy and was dubbed the "King's Game". The gentlemen are "to be seene seene in playing in Chestes", said an overview at the beginning of Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier (1528, English 1561 by Sir Thomas Hoby), but chess should not be a passion main man. Castiglione further explained:

And what did you say to the game in the crate? This is really the frank kynde of enterteynmente and wittie, the Syr Friderick quoth. But I think it is a mistake, which one, that a man might follow suit, because who ever gets very good in the chest game, I believe he should be a lot of tyme about it, and put it with so many studies, that one can just study about a glorious sheen, or compile any other matter of import, but ultimately in preying on all the workers, he knows nothing but the game. Therefore here I believe there is something very rare, that is, that Jews are more praiseworthy, then glorious.

Many of the complicated chess sets used by the aristocracy have disappeared, but others have survived, such as the Lewis chessmen.

Chess is often used as a basis for sermons on morality. Examples are: Liber de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium sive super ludo scacchorum ('Male customs book and duties of the nobles or the Book of Chess'), â € <â €

The knife must be made armed on the horses in such form so that he haue a helme in his attention and a sphere in his ryght hande/and coueryd with his gaze/a swerde and mace on his lylong syde/Cladd wyth a hawberk and the plates to approach his haren breste/legge on his legge/Spora on heelisnya in his hands gauntelettes/horsnya damaged and well taught and apte to bataylle and couerid with his arm/whan knyghtes ben maad them ben bayned or bath/it is a sign that they are dead led by a new man and a new person/also they wake up with a song in prayer and orysons vnto god that he swung the grace of gyue hem so they can accept that they may not get naturally/The kynge or prynce gyrdeth a boute they swerde in signe/that they shold abyde and kepe hym in them they take them handing out and dignyte.

Known in the circle of scholars, students, and merchants, chess entered into the popular culture of the Middle Ages. An example is the 20th-century Carmina Burana song from the 13th century, which begins with the name of a chess piece, Roch, pedites, regina...


During the Age of Enlightenment, chess was seen as a means of self-improvement. Benjamin Franklin, in his article "The Morals of Chess" (1750), writes:

The Game of Chess is not just empty entertainment; some of the most valuable qualities of mind, useful in human life, must be acquired and reinforced by it, so that it becomes a ready habit on all occasions; for life is a kind of Chess, where we often point to gain, and competitors or opponents to compete, and where there are various good and bad events, which, in some ways, the effects of caution, or desire. By playing in Chess, we can learn:

me. A future look , which looks a bit into the future, and considers the consequences that can attain an action [...]

II. Circumcision , which surveyed the entire Chess Board, or action scenes: - some Cut links, and their situation [...]

III. Caution , do not move too fast [...]

With this view or something similar, chess is taught to children in schools around the world today. Many schools host chess clubs, and there are many special scholastic tournaments for children. Tournaments are held regularly in many countries, hosted by organizations such as the US Chess Federation and the National Cholastic Chess Foundation.

Chess is often depicted in art; important works in which chess played the leading role of Thomas Middleton's Game Through Chess through Lewis Carroll's Lewis Carroll to Vladimir Nabokov's The Defense > i>, for The Game Royal by Stefan Zweig. Chess is featured in films such as Ingmar Bergman The Seventh Seal and Satyajit Ray's The Chess Players .

Chess is also present in contemporary popular culture. For example, characters in Star Trek play a futuristic version of a game called "Tri-Dimensional Chess". "Wizard's Chess" is featured in J.K. Drama Rowling Harry Potter . Heroes of Search for Bobby Fischer are fighting against adopting an aggressive and misanthropic view of a world chess champion. Chess is used as the core theme in Chess music by Tim Rice, BjÃÆ'¶rn Ulvaeus, and Benny Andersson. Thriller Knight Moves is about a chess grandmaster accused of being a serial killer. Pawn of Sacrifice , starring Tobey Maguire as Bobby Fischer and Liev Schreiber as Boris Spassky, describes the drama surrounding the 1972 World Chess Championships in Iceland during the Cold War.

Controversy in religion

In 2016 in Saudi Arabia, Grand Mufti Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-Sheikh issued a religious fatwa stating that chess is forbidden for Muslims. He stated that "chess is a waste of time and opportunity to squander money." It causes enmity and hatred among people. " However, this fatwa is not legally binding and chess remains a popular game in Muslim countries.

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src: apollo2.dl.playstation.net


The composition of chess is the art of creating chess problems (also called chess compositions). The creator is known as a chess composer. There are many types of chess problems; the two most important ones are:

  • Referrals : White to the first move and check Black in a certain amount of moves, against any defense. This is often referred to as "mate in n " - eg "mate in three" (a three-mover ); two and three-step problems are the most common. This usually involves very unlikely positions in the actual game, and is meant to describe an theme , usually requires a surprise or counter-intuitive button moved.
  • Study : an orthodox problem in which the provision is that White to play must win or draw. Almost all research is the final position.

The composition of chess is a different sport of chess, and there is tournaments for chess composition and problem solving.


This is one of the most famous chess studies; it was published by Richard RÃ © Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â It seems impossible to capture the advanced black pawn, while the black king can easily stop the white pawn The solution is a diagonal advancement, which brings the king to both of them simultaneously:

1. Kg7! h4 2. Kf6! Kb6

Or 2... h3 3.Ke7 and the white king can support his pawn.

3. Ke5 !!

Now the white king came in time to support his pawn, or catch the black ones.

3... h3 4. Kd6 Ã,½-Ã,½

Guardian Plastic Chess Set Black & Camel Pieces - 4
src: cdn6.bigcommerce.com

Play competitive

Organizational competition

The contemporary chess is an organized sport with international, national, tournament, and structured congresses. The international governing body of Chess is FIDE (FÃÆ' Â © dÃÆ' Â © ration Internationale des ÃÆ' â € ° checs). Most countries have national chess organizations as well (such as the US Chess Federation and the English Chess Federation) which in turn are FIDE members. FIDE is a member of the International Olympic Committee, but the game of chess has never been part of the Olympics; Chess has its own Olympiad, which is held every two years as a team event.

The current World Chess Champion is Magnus Carlsen of Norway. The reigning Women's World Champion is Hou Yifan of China. The highest ranked female player in the world, Judit PolgÃÆ'¡r, has never participated in the World Women's Chess Championship, instead preferring to compete with top players and maintain rank among the top male players.

Other competitions for the individual include the World Junior Chess Championship, the Individual Chess Championship of Europe, and the National Chess Championship. Invitation-only tournaments regularly attract the strongest players in the world. Examples include Spanish Linares events, Amber Melody tournaments in Monte Carlo, Dortmund Sparkassen meetings, Sofia M-tel Masters, and Tata Steel Wijk aan Zee tournaments.

Regular team chess events include Chess Olympics and European Team Chess Championships. The World Championship Breakdown Chess Championships and World Correspondence Chess Championships include both individual teams and events.

In addition to this prestigious competition, there are thousands of other chess tournaments, games and festivals held worldwide every year to serve players of all levels. Chess is promoted as a "mind sport" by the Mind Sports Organization, in addition to other mental-skill games such as Contract Bridge, Go, and Scrabble.

Title and rating

The best players can be awarded a certain lifetime title by the FIDE world chess organization:

  • Grandmaster (abbreviated as GM, sometimes Grandmaster International or IGM in use) is assigned to world class chess master. Regardless of World Champion, Grandmaster is the highest title that can be achieved by chess players. Before FIDE will award titles to players, players must have an Elo chess rating (see below) of at least 2500 at a time and three profitable results (called norms) in tournaments involving other grandmasters, including some from countries other than applicants. There are other milestones that players can achieve to achieve the title, such as winning the Junior World Championship.
  • International Master (abbreviated as IM). His condition is similar to GM, but less demanding. The minimum rank for IM titles is 2400.
  • FIDE Master (shortened to FM). The usual way for a player to qualify for a FIDE Master title is by achieving a FIDE ranking of 2300 or more.
  • Prospective Master (shortened to CM). Similar to FM, but with a FIDE rating of at least 2200.

All titles are open for men and women. Separate female titles, such as Woman Grandmaster (WGM), are available. Starting with Miss Gaprindashvili in 1978, a number of women have earned a GM degree, and most of the top ten women in 2006 hold unlimited GM titles.

As of August 2011, there are 1363 active grandmasters and 3153 international masters in the world. The top three countries with the largest number of grandmasters are Russia, Ukraine and Germany, with 208, 78, and 76. The country with most of the per capita grandmasters is Iceland, with 11 GM and 13 IM among 310,000 populations.

International titles are given to composers and chess players and chess player correspondents (by the International Chess Correspondence Federation). National chess organizations may also award a degree, usually for advanced players who are still below the required level for an international degree; for example is the title of chess experts used in the United States.

To rate players, FIDE, ICCF, and national chess organizations use the Elo rating system developed by Arpad Elo. Elo is a statistical system based on the assumption that the chess performance of each player in the game is a random variable. Arpad Elo considers the player's true skills as the average of a random variable performer's performance, and shows how to estimate the average of a player's game results. The US Chess Federation implements Elo's advice in 1960, and the system quickly gained recognition as a more just and more accurate system than the old system; it was adopted by FIDE in 1970. The highest FIDE ranking of all time, 2881, was achieved by Magnus Carlsen on the FIDE ranking list in March 2014.

Making moves in chess | African Reporter
src: africanreporter.co.za


Chess has a very wide lector. In 1913, the chess historian H.J.R. Murray estimates the number of books, magazines, and chess columns in newspapers to be around 5,000. B.H. Wood estimates the number, in 1949, to about 20,000. David Hooper and Kenneth Whyld wrote that, "Since then, there has been a steady increase year by year from the number of new chess publications." No one knows how much has been printed. " There are two significant public chess libraries: John G. White Chess Collection and Checkers at the Cleveland Public Library, with over 32,000 chess books and over 6,000 unlimited chess magazine volumes; and Chess & amp; Draft collection at the National Library of the Netherlands, with about 30,000 books. Grandmaster Lothar Schmid has the largest collection of books and personal memorabilia in the world. David DeLucia's chess library contains 7,000 to 8,000 chess books, the same number of signatures (letters, score sheets, manuscripts), and about 1,000 "efemera" items. Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam argues that DeLucia's collection "is the best chess collection in the world".

Chess - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Math and computer

Game structure and chess properties are associated with several branches of mathematics. Many of the combinatorial and topological problems associated with chess have been known for hundreds of years.

Combination of chess and chess puzzles

The number of legal positions in chess is approximately 10 43 , and can be d

Source of the article : Wikipedia
